Frontline Health Care Kit

$ 79.97 $ 89.97

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Can’t afford to miss work?  The show must go on?  This Frontline Health Care Kit is for you!

Frontline workers -  Health care providers, construction workers, retail employees and even performers – can’t afford to get sick!

The nose and the mouth are the primary entryways of pathogens. Nasal and Oral rinsing has proven to be a key component in the fight against respiratory illness and is recommended by top doctors & wellness practitioners worldwide.  

Easily incorporate chlorine dioxide into your daily routine with this toothpaste, mouthwash and nasal rinse collection.

DioxiRinse Mouthwash and Snoot! Nasal Spray with DioxiCare - active chlorine dioxide are great for maintaining fresh breath and rinsing irritants of all types: pathogens, allergens, dust, mold, industrial and commercial fumes and sprays, yard clipping, etc.  A must-have for landscapers, painters, fire fighters and of course health care providers! Used together with DioxiBrite Toothpaste you'll receive the optimal benefits of chlorine dioxide to maximize oral health.

Click here to see how effective DioxiRinse Mouthwash is for keeping your toothbrush clean: DioxiRinse Dunk Experiment

Click here for a proposed protocol for frontline health care workers: Acidified sodium chlorite solution: A potential prophylaxis to mitigate impact of multiple exposures to COVID-19 in frontline health-care providers

This Frontline Health Care Kit contains:

  • One - DioxiRinse Mouthwash (32oz) Set
  • One - DioxiBrite Toothpaste (6.4oz) Set
  • One - Snoot! Nasal Spray (4oz) Kit

Go to Individual Product pages to view ingredients.

How Does It Work?

DioxiRinse and DioxiBrite come in two parts. When these two parts are mixed they create active chlorine dioxide...a harmless but powerful gas that emits tiny bubbles.

  • With Frontier's proprietary DioxiCare System, chlorine dioxide is activated immediately upon mixture.
  • The gas penetrates sockets and space between your teeth
  • The chlorine dioxide begins immediately to neutralize odors and bacteria, oxidize stains and whiten teeth.

Strong Teeth. Healthy Gums. Fresh Breath.


Rinsing with DioxiRinse and brushing your teeth daily with DioxiBrite is the BEST way to protect your teeth from plaque build up which causes tooth decay and gum disease.

If you already have gum disease or bad breath, DioxiCare is the QUICKEST way to restore healthy gums and eliminate bad breath and tastes. 

Nothing works faster or lasts longer than DioxiCare in keeping your breath fresh all day